ANAC 2024 Competition
One of the Official Comptitions of AAMAS 2024.

We thank all our participants for their great efforts. The winners was announced in the ANAC session @ AAMAS which was held on May 9, 2024 (14:00-16:30 ) in Gallery Room 3.

The Official website for ANAC 2024 can be found here

The official up-to-date schedule for AAMAS competition this year can be found here.

AAMAS will take place in the Cordis Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand between 6th and 10th of May, 2024. We are looking forward to meeting everyone there.

The session will be hybrid. To join the ANAC 2024 session, please register here. We will send you a zoom link on May 8th to join the meeting.

Program of the ANAC 2024 Session

  • 14:00 Opening
  • 14:10 SCML overview + winner announcement & presentations
  • 14:55 Break
  • 15:10 ANL overview + winner announcement & presentations
  • 15:55 Break
  • 16:10 Discussion challenges/suggestions for next year
  • 16:30 Closing

Overview of ANAC2024

The Automated Negotiating Agent Competition (ANAC) is an international tournament that has been running since 2010 to bring together researchers from the negotiation community. ANAC provides a unique benchmark for evaluating practical negotiation strategies in multi-issue domains and has the following aims:

  • to provide an incentive for the development of effective and efficient negotiation protocols and strategies for bidding, accepting and opponent modeling for different negotiation scenarios;
  • to collect and develop a benchmark of negotiation scenarios, protocols and strategies;
  • to develop a common set of tools and criteria for the evaluation and exploration of new protocols and new strategies against benchmark scenarios, protocols and strategies;
  • to set the research agenda for automated negotiation.
The previous competitions have spawned novel research in AI in the field of autonomous agent design which are available to the wider research community.

This year, we introduce a variety of negotiation research challenges:

We expect innovative and novel agent strategies will be developed, and the submitted ANAC 2024 agents will serve as a negotiating agent repository to the negotiation community.

Leagues in ANAC2024

Automated Negotiation League

Explore the strategies and difficulties in creating efficient agents whose primary purpose is to ​negotiate with other agent's strategies.​

Supply Chain Management League

Design and build an autonomous agent that negotiates on behalf of a factory manager situated in a supply chain management simulation.



ANAC Board Members

  • Dr. Reyhan Aydogan (Ozyegin University & Delft University of Technology)
  • Dr. Tim Baarslag (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI))
  • Dr. Katsuhide Fujita (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
  • Prof. Dr. Catholijn Jonker (Delft University of Technology)

League Organizers

  • Automated Agents League: Tamara Florijn (CWI/Utrecht University) and ANAC Board Members
  • Supply Chain Management League: Dr. Yasser Mohammad, Dr. Satoshi Morinaga (NEC, AIST); Shinji Nakadai (IntentExchange); Prof. Dr. Amy Greenwald (Brown University); Dr. Mark Klein (MIT)

Sponsorship Chair in ANAC2024

  • Dr. Yasser Mohammad (NEC, AIST)

Scientific Advisory Board

  • Prof. Dr. Catholijn Jonker (Delft University of Technology) (Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Takayuki Ito (Kyoto University)
  • Prof. Dr. Carles Sierra (IIIA/CSIC)
  • Prof. Dr. Jonathan Gratch (USC)



For any questions of ANAC2024, the main contact is Dr. Reyhan Aydogan reyhan.aydogan[at]