ANAC Leaderboard

The final submission deadline in your time-zone is: [i.e. ]

  • Make sure that you marked the correct league/track(s) for your agent, submitted your code, passed the test, and submitted an initial version of the report and requirements.txt files by the deadline above.
  • If you are using multiple files in your code, check this for how to import files correctly in your agent.
  • If you are using sklearn or a similar library and need to load files in real time, check this for how to load your files
  • If you need to lead fiels in real time, they must be included in the submitted code zip. Also, check this for how to load your files
  • It is strictly prohibited for your agent to write any information to the hard disk between runs or to access the internet in any way. Failure to comply with this will result in immediate disqualification
  • It is strictly prohibited to have more than one submission in the same league/track developed by the same team. Failure to comply with this will result in immediate disqualification
  • Please do not use "print" inside your agent to avoid messing up the tournament output.
  • Finally, please use representative names for your team, and agent and use TitleCaseWithoutUnderscores for class names. Your agent name and class name should be unique, should not match any built-in agent, and should be related

SCML (OneShot)

Based on the tournament 1342 run on 2024-04-15 10:15:47 UTC with 5 configs (660 simulations).

# Agent Score
1 CautiousOneShotAgent 10,823
2 MatchingPennies 10,770
3 DistRedistAgent 10,744
4 YuAgent 10,738
5 PeakPact 10,654
6 CPDistAgent 10,620
7 RandDistOneShotAgent 10,540
8 SuzukaAgent 10,487
9 QuantityOrientedAgent 10,376
10 QAgent 10,200
11 AgentOZ 10,151
12 RTAgent 10,142

Registered (13 Competitors):
CPDistAgent (20163), CautiousOneShotAgent (20167), SuzukaAgent (20198), RTAgent (20205), DistRedistAgent (20213), FairT4T (20214), YuAgent (20221), MatchingPennies (20237), group2 (20308), PeakPact (20349), AgentOZ (20354), QAgent (20361), QuantityOrientedAgent (2023 winner)

Failing test (0 Competitors):

Missing Report (0 Competitors):

Missing Requirements (0 Competitors):

Missing Metadata [e.g. class name, module path] (0 Competitors):

Ubu-chanSCML(20249) trivial strategy,

Running in the official competition (13 Competitors):
CPDistAgent (20163), CautiousOneShotAgent (20167), SuzukaAgent (20198), RTAgent (20205), DistRedistAgent (20213), FairT4T (20214), YuAgent (20221), MatchingPennies (20237), group2 (20308), PeakPact (20349), AgentOZ (20354), QAgent (20361), QuantityOrientedAgent (2023 winner)

SCML (Standard)

Based on the tournament 1341 run on 2024-04-15 09:35:21 UTC with 3 configs (216 simulations).

# Agent Score
1 PenguinAgent 10,535
2 DogAgent 9,696
3 AX 9,071
4 CautiousStdAgent 8,718
5 QuantityOrientedAgent 8,312
6 MatchingPennies 7,924
7 QuickDecisionAgent 7,915
8 S5s 4,979
9 SyncRandomStdAgent 4,957

Registered (9 Competitors):
CautiousStdAgent (20158), S5s (20172), PenguinAgent (20219), AX (20220), DogAgent (20223), MatchingPennies (20237), group2 (20308), QuickDecisionAgent (20346), QuantityOrientedAgent (2023 winner)

Failing test (0 Competitors):

Missing Report (0 Competitors):

Missing Requirements (0 Competitors):

Missing Metadata [e.g. class name, module path] (0 Competitors):

Ubu-chanSCML(20249) trivial strategy,

Running in the official competition (9 Competitors):
CautiousStdAgent (20158), S5s (20172), PenguinAgent (20219), AX (20220), DogAgent (20223), MatchingPennies (20237), group2 (20308), QuickDecisionAgent (20346), QuantityOrientedAgent (2023 winner)


Based on the tournament 1340 run on 2024-04-15 08:50:44 UTC with 3 scenarios (4056 negotiations).

# Team/Agent Score
1 AgentRenting2024 4,471
2 UOAgent 4,253
3 chaosagentanl 4,197
4 Shochan 4,083
5 KosAgent 3,945
6 AntiAgent 3,907
7 NayesianNice 3,805
8 CARCAgent 3,671
9 MissG 3,577
10 AgentNyan 3,405
11 ingotiator 3,160
12 Group6 3,073
13 Boulware 2,664
14 Agent007 2,632
15 TheDealmaker 2,542
16 SliBwaTer 2,475
17 BargainBot 2,438
18 Agent20271 2,397
19 HarmonyHaggler 2,375
20 AgentK 2,095
22 AgentKB 1,954
23 Goldie 1,386
24 TAK_Agent 1,368
25 MyAgent86 786
26 KatlaNirAgent -6

Registered (22 Competitors):
AgentNyan (20161) Shochan (20168) AgentKB (20197) MissG (20226) TheDealmaker (20230) SliBwaTer (20231) AntiAgent (20238) NayesianNice (20239) AgentRenting2024 (20245) chaosagentanl (20248) KosAgent (20269) UOAgent (20277) BargainBot (20280) Goldie (20282) TAK_Agent (20342) CARCAgent (20344) Group6 (20357) Agent007 (20359) KatlaNirAgent (20362) MyAgent86 (20364) BidBot (20365) TestNegotiatorANL2025 (20378)

Failing test (0 Competitors):

Missing Report (3 Competitors):
MissG (20226), BargainBot (20280), TestNegotiatorANL2025 (20378),

Missing Requirements (3 Competitors):
MissG (20226), BargainBot (20280), TestNegotiatorANL2025 (20378),

Missing Metadata [e.g. class name, module path] (0 Competitors):

Ubu-chanANL(20367) trivial strategy

Running in the official compeition (19 Competitors):
AgentNyan (20161), Shochan (20168), AgentKB (20197), TheDealmaker (20230), SliBwaTer (20231), AntiAgent (20238), NayesianNice (20239), AgentRenting2024 (20245), chaosagentanl (20248), KosAgent (20269), UOAgent (20277), Goldie (20282), TAK_Agent (20342), CARCAgent (20344), Group6 (20357), Agent007 (20359), KatlaNirAgent (20362), MyAgent86 (20364), BidBot (20365),